What is the Respiratory Rehab Program, anyway?
The Respiratory Rehab Program is meant to assist those living with COPD. It is 10-week program of information and exercise designed to give those with COPD the tools they need to truly manage their chronic illness. There is an educational and an exercise component, aimed at understanding COPD, controlling symptoms and managing flare-ups. Participants learn to live well with COPD.
Why Respiratory Rehab?
Those who participate in Respiratory Rehab experience decreased shortness of breath, a reduced number of flare-ups, fewer hospital visits and admissions and an overall improvement in the quality of their lives.
How can I possibly exercise when I am already short of breath?
Everyone who participates in the Respiratory Rehab Program is short of breath to one degree or another. Everyone can exercise and will benefit from regular exercise no matter how severe their disease. Healthcare professionals will individualize and supervise a program that is both safe and effective for you.
Impossible? Take a few minutes and watch Heidi’s story.
How do I get involved?
Ask your doctor to refer you to the Respiratory Rehab Program. Or call the Rehab Center 679-2657 Ext 1000 for more information.
When and Where?
Tuesdays and Thursdays at Valley Regional Hospital for 10 weeks.